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Wow By Char~Faithful Over Few

Faithful Over Few

Mastering the mundane sparks breakthroughs

By Chardonnay Beaver

I once saw mundane tasks as low-value and insignificant, draining my joy. It’s easy to view the day-to-day as a dead-end, but in truth, the mundane often sparks breakthroughs.

The faithful are rewarded in the end, even in small responsibilities. Lately, I’ve been examining the systems and routines in my life to determine which are worth maintaining or adjusting. Mundane activities – like buying groceries, folding laundry, responding to emails, commuting the same route to work– contributes to our character development. 

If I’m being completely honest, sometimes I forget that God uses mundane activities to mold our character, build our tolerance, and test our patience. Afterwhile, the mundane prepares us for greater advancements. 

Many pray for a breakthrough but aren't prepared. Without making the necessary adjustments, we risk forgetting that nothing is truly ours. Every blessing is borrowed, and we are accountable for how we manage it. Why give more to someone who can’t manage what they have? Even those with abundance face greater expectations. 

There’s no way around the mundane, it’s all about how you perceive it. It's not just about completing the task, but about how you approach it. The manner in which you complete a task reveals your growth, character, and intentions. 

Words of Wisdom by Char of The Week: Pay attention to the how in your life. Before the end of this year, write down the manner in which you’ll complete your task or goals for next year. Make a commitment to yourself to approach life differently. Give yourself the grace and space to do so– and keep your hand to the plow (Luke 9:62).


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