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Washington STEM Announces New CEO

Milton Lang, Ed.D., CEO, Washington STEM

Seattle, Wash.—The board of directors of Washington STEM is pleased to announce that after a nationwide search, education leader, Milton Lang, Ed.D. has been selected as the new CEO. “Milton brings seasoned leadership, deep experience in education, and a longtime commitment to paving the way for students of color and those who have been systemically underserved or excluded. For the next phase in Washington STEM’s growth and work, he is the perfect leader and we look forward to where he will take us,” said Liz Tinkham, Washington STEM board chair. With over 25 years of professional and executive level experience in higher education, Lang combines a deep love for Washington state with extensive content knowledge in education, seasoned leadership, and a passion for educational access and opportunity for first generation, rural, low income, and students of color. Most recently, he served as the Vice President for Student Services at Ohlone College and has also served as Vice President for Student Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer at California State University, Chico, and Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs at the University of California, Davis. He has spent his entire career advocating for and implementing programs that provide access to higher education and support services for first generation, low income, and students of color and has worked collaboratively with statewide leaders, the business community, K-12 school districts, nonprofit organizations, community leaders, and legislators throughout Washington state. He steps into the role of CEO at a critical juncture of Washington STEM’s history and will lead the execution of an ambitious 3-yr strategic plan. Washington STEM, a statewide education nonprofit, works to leverage STEM in service of social change. Together, in partnership with 10 regional STEM Networks, they work to ensure that students who have historically been systemically underserved have access to high-quality STEM education and pathways to postsecondary education that will help them access family-wage jobs and thrive in a technology-driven economy. They convene business, education, and community leaders to identify smart, scalable solutions that help improve access for students of color, rural students, students experiencing poverty, and girls and young women, collectively impacting more than 1,000,000 students across the state from preschool through postsecondary education. Lang’s leadership will help the organization deepen their impact in service of Washington students, working to strengthen equity in access to critical skills and education from cradle to career.

“Milton is a champion of equity and brings a deep understanding of the barriers that both rural and urban students in Washington experience as they seek educational justice. I am confident that his leadership and guidance will help strengthen statewide relationships and collaboration and support both the east and west side STEM Networks in make great strides in achieving equitable educational opportunities for all of our students,” said Mark Cheney, South Central Washington STEM Network Co-Director. Lang received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Work from California State University, Chico. He went on to obtain his Master of Arts degree in Education and his Doctorate Degree in Higher Education Administration both from the College of Education at Washington State University where he also held affiliate faculty status.

Milton Lang, Ed.D., CEO, Washington STEM

### About Washington STEM Washington STEM is a statewide, education nonprofit leveraging STEM for social change, removing barriers to credential attainment, and creating pathways to long-term economic security for historically excluded students. In our state STEM is at the forefront of discovery, on the frontlines of creative 21st century problem-solving, and serves as one of the largest pathways to family-wage careers and long-term economic security. STEM pathways have promise like few others in Washington and it is imperative that Black, Brown, and Indigenous students, rural students, students growing up in poverty, and girls have access. Washington STEM is working to ensure that all students have equal opportunity to benefit from the transformational possibilities that STEM has to offer. For more information, go to You can connect with us on Twitter (@washingtonstem) and via Facebook and LinkedIn. This press release is available online at:


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