Whether referred to as Financial Capability Month or Financial Literacy Month, the focus is on helping everyone improve their financial knowledge and strengthen their financial lives
Olympia – The Washington State Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) joins state and national organizations in support of Financial Capability Month – a time to focus on providing resources, education and opportunities for all residents to become better informed about finances and to strengthen their financial lives.
“At DFI, we recognize the importance of financial capability for consumers," DFI Director Charlie Clark said. "The pandemic we’re all living through has reinforced our understanding of the need for emergency savings and financial preparedness. Additionally, it’s so important consumers know the warning signs of fraud to avoid becoming victims of financial fraud – an event that can be catastrophic to personal financial security.”
Understanding the importance to our global economy for financial education to be implemented at a young age, Washington State legislators passed 5720-S2.PL. This legislation provides funding to the Financial Education Public Private Partnership (FEPPP) to “establish a grant program to provide assistance to school districts for the purpose of integrating financial literacy education into professional development for certificated staff.” Additionally, “Each school district, by March 1, 2023, shall adopt one or more goals for expanding financial education instruction to students in their district.”
Understanding the importance of starting financial education early in life, DFI works with local educators to share financial education information throughout the state. DFI provides funding for financial education with proven efficacy in pre-K, elementary and middle school classrooms, assists educators in hosting activities like Budget For Your Bank, where students learn how to budget play money for real banks and stickers, and Reading Days. The Reading Days project is dedicated to reaching elementary and middle school students (K-2, 3-5 and 6-8 grades). This educational event is sponsored by Jump$tart Washington, the DFI and FEPPP, and is a great opportunity to join the cause in teaching children the importance of financial literacy.
This year’s Reading Days books are:
K-2: Ayo’s Money Jar
3-5: Not Your Parent’s Money Book
6-8: Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees
DFI is still seeking educators to host readers. If you are an educator interested in hosting a reader this month, please fill out a survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2022ReadingDaysEd or contact Melody Cahill at dfi@dfi.wa.gov for details.
Also occurring this month is the 20th anniversary of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago’s National Money Smart Week, April 9-16. This year’s event will again be 100% virtual, with different webinars to register for – each offered at 11 a.m. Pacific:
Monday, April 11 – Spend Smart. Eat Smart.
Tuesday, April 12 – Credit: Build and Improve It!
Wednesday, April 13 – Buying or Refinancing a Home: Options and Tools
Thursday, April 14: Understanding Social Security Benefits
We hope you’ll join us in promoting financial education and awareness this month!
About DFI ▪ www.dfi.wa.gov ▪ 360-902-8700 ▪ 877-RINGDFI (746-4334)
The Washington State Department of Financial Institutions regulates a variety of financial service providers such as banks, credit unions, mortgage brokers, consumer loan companies, payday lenders and securities brokers and dealers. The department also works to improve financial education throughout Washington through its outreach programs and online clearinghouse www.dfi.wa.gov/financial-education. In addition to posting information about licensees and administrative actions, DFI uses the Web and social media to provide financial education information: www.twitter.com/DFIConsumers ■ https://dfi.wa.gov/financial-education/blog ■ https://www.youtube.com/user/WADFI ■ www.homeownership.wa.gov ■ www.instagram.com/wastatedfi/ ■ www.linkedin.com/company/state-of-washington-department-of-financial-institutions/