Who supports a candidate says a lot about them.
Local Seattle donors are supporting Emijah Smith in the race to represent the 37th District, covering Seattle’s Central District, South End, and parts of Skyway and northern Renton. Along with this local financial support, she is garnering the most endorsements from local community leaders, elected officials, and unions in this race. Smith also has the most experience in the community that prepares her to be a successful legislator.
Fundraising Differences
According to the latest PDC Reports, Smith has now raised $63,036.00 and 83% of her donors (208 out of 250) are from Seattle and Renton. The more corporate candidate in this race, Chipalo Street, has now raised $75,566, and only 40% of his donors are local (65 out of 162). Over 30% of Street’s donors are from out of state.
Additionally, only five of Smith’s donors are Max Donors (who gave over $1,000) so $5,000 must be saved and spent in the general election. Street has 16 Max donors, and cannot spend 15,500 in the primary. This illustrates two points. First, this race is neck and neck in fundraising as Smith has $58,036 to spend in the primary compared to Street’s $60,066 (including $4,000 Street personally added to his campaign fund). Second, Street is primarily raising money from big tech donors outside the district, raising questions about who he would represent if elected. Over half of Street’s donors who identify an employer (52%) are from tech firms like Microsoft, Amazon, and Meta (formerly Facebook).
Smith is the only candidate in the 37th LD race who is endorsed by The Washington State Labor Council AFL-CIO. She has also received endorsements from unions including SEIU Healthcare 1199NW and UFCW 3000. Organized labor believes that she will be a champion for working families in the legislature.
Local Leader Endorsements
Additional 37th District community leaders who have endorsed Emijah Smith include:
Hon. Larry Gossett
Rev. Harriett Walden
Dr. Ben Danielson
Bishop Reggie C. Witherspoon Sr.
Elmer Dixon
Gregory Davis
Dominique Davis
Aaliyah Messiah
Cynthia Green
Nick Allen
Chukundi Salisbury
Tandy Williams
Endorsements from Elected Officials
Local policymakers that have endorsed Emijah Include:
King County Councilmember Girmay Zahilay, District 2
State Senator Rebecca Saldaña, LD 37
State Representative Jesse Johnson, LD 30
State Representative Tarra Simmons, LD 23
State Representative Jamila Taylor, LD 30
Renton City Councilmember Kim-Khánh Văn
Seattle City Councilmember Tammy Morales, District 2
Seattle Port Commissioner Hamdi Mohamed
Current Experience & Service
Some of the relevant community experience Smith is currently involved with include:
Chief of Staff, King County Equity Now, February 2021 - Present
President, Mercer International Middle School PTSA, July 2021 - Present
Board Member - Tubman Center for Health and Freedom, Fall 2021 - Present
Planning Team Member – King County Child Well-Being Council,
Tabor 100 Business and Economic Development Member, 2018 - Present
Community Stakeholder – King County Community Investment Budget Committee, Summer 2021 - Present
Community Stakeholder – King County Gathering Collaborative, March 2022 - Present
Black Women’s Coalition To End Violence, 2019 - Present
Leadership Tomorrow - Class of 2022
It is clear that Emijah Smith is the candidate most rooted in community in the 37th District race. All the candidates have priorities. Smith has the most relevant experience, real-life legislative accomplishments, meaningful endorsements, and community backing to win and best represent her district.
All of her endorsements (with quotes) can be found here.
For more information, please contact Pam Johnson, Campaign Manager at 425-728-0660 or info@electemijah.com.