Had a dream about people that were without a home. People with out a warm dry place to sleep and rest their feet. Without a place to keep their children warm and safe. Without a place to prepare hot meals for their families. People that don’t have money to be able to experience some of the events my team puts on for the city throughout the years. Decided I’m going to do what I can to help using my platform and connections I’ve made over the years. Dope Culture teamed up with Compassion In Action to host a soulfood feeding with music in the historical Langston Hughes Performing Arts Institute Feb 26th from 1-5pm and ANYONE that needs a good hot soul food meal prepared with love is welcome to come eat completely free!. Free of charge, free from judgment and free from shame. If you know anyone at all please tell them to come enjoy the meal WITH US. Why wait til the holidays to feed people in need Soul Food community feeding. If you or someone you know would like to make a donation to help us get the things needed to make this possible please inbox me. Send any and all donations to $Dopeculturellc (cash app). If you would like to