Chardonnay Beaver - Words of Wisdom
Influential Speaker, Storyteller, Creator of
WOWbyChar, and University of Washington Student.
Sink Or Swim?
Every major decision requires counsel.
On August 30, 2021 the last U.S. personnel departed Afghanistan, ending the twenty year presence of U.S. troops in Afghanistan. Children across the country returned to in-person learning, as educators are to be cautious of their students' well-being amidst the coronavirus and delta-variant. On September 1, 2021 the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear refute against anti-abortion laws in Texas. Many believe this effort highlights a pivot in reproductive law and will indefinitely affect the health of low-income, working-class women.
Our country has faced various transitions within the past few weeks. For that reason, I’m certain we too have experienced transitions within our own lives. Have you ever heard of the idiom “sink or swim”? It refers to a situation in which one must succeed on their own efforts or fail entirely. However, in what situations is this idiom actually useful? Mainstream culture praises the “self-made” and “I got it on my own” success stories. Although those stories are inspirational, they lack one element of truth. In the words of Maya Angelou “alone, all alone. Nobody, but nobody can make it out here alone”. Human beings were designed with relationships in mind. Relationship with God, self, and others. Many lack accountability because they either seek to “make it out here alone” or are in relationship with the wrong circle. Every transition listed above required the decision of leaders, staff, and professionals. Whether we agree with them or not, the basis of this decision required a team. So, who’s on your team during this transition? Because you don’t have to sink or swim…
Words of Wisdom by Char of The Week: No one can make it on their own. The pressure some possess to succeed or fail entirely can be eased when surrounded by a supportive community. Every major decision requires counsel. “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed” (Proverbs 15:22).