City of Burien Launching Second Phase of Community Engagement to Support Major Updates to the Comprehensive Plan, Transportation Master Plan, and Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan

The City of Burien is re-imagining the long-term future of our city through a coordinated planning effort called "Shape Your City". During last year’s community visioning phase, the Burien community shared their priorities and helped develop a shared vision and high-level priorities. Now, the City is coming back with questions that will help expand this vision and priorities to build more specific strategies and solutions for the community to evaluate.
Understanding where people live, work, play, and move around Burien is essential to the planning process. Results of this planning effort will guide policymaking, operational plans, and budgets for the next twenty years.
“It’s important that community guide these important planning processes,” said Adolfo Bailon, Burien City Manager. “We want to hear from you about what kind of city Burien should be over the next twenty years.”
There are several ways to provide feedback.
Attend an open house on April 18 at 6-8 p.m. in the Community Room (Council Chambers) at the Burien Library.
Provide feedback online through surveys, ideas wall, and interactive map.
Watch for other public meetings and events where Shape Your City will be on the agenda.
Email your comments and questions to
Read more about what we heard during last year’s community visioning phase and keep an eye out for City staff at upcoming community events.