SEATTLE DEMOCRACY VOUCHER PROGRAM: In response to concerns that only candidates with hefty financial backing could afford to run for office, Seattle created the Democracy Voucher. This program is funded by property taxes and gives each voter cost free, four $25 vouchers to financially support their candidates simply by assigning vouchers to them. The vouchers are valid for City Council, City Attorney, and the office of Mayor. To qualify to receive voucher funds, candidates for mayor need 600 qualified donations of at least $10. Then, you designate your candidate, sign your vouchers and mail them in the envelope that came with them or you can send them directly to your candidates' election office. online, go to www.seattle.gov/democracyvoucher
NOW LETS TALK ABOUT CANDIDATES FOR MAYOR. Today the candidates are Henry Clay Dennison, James Donaldson, Colleen Echoheart, Jessyn Farrell, M. Lorena Gonzalez, Bruce Harrell, Rodney Holt, Andrew Grant Houston, Art Langley, Lance Randall, Casey Sixkiller and several more have registered.
JAMES "DUKES" DONALDSON: Between now and November we will cover each candidate starting with here with JAMES "DUKES" DONALDSON. Ok seniors I know you recognize the name. James Donaldson stared in the Seattle Supersonics, the L.A. Clippers and Texas Mavericks. At 7'2" Donaldson is hard to forget. After retiring from basketball, Donaldson returned to Seattle and founded his long running physical therapy and fitness business, The Donaldson Clinic, in 1989 – 2018. Donaldson vows to bring back the Seattle we all remember by relying upon his business owner background and his understanding of the challenges facing minority owned businesses. James says "I am running to be the next Seattle Mayor with a focus on revitalizing our downtown business core, reestablishing trust and confidence in our law enforcement officials, providing a solutions to our ongoing homeless situation, and safety in our neighborhoods and for our children."
DONALDSON & DEMOCRACY VOUCHERS: "Right now" says James, "our emphasis is on getting qualified for the democracy voucher program, and that’s where you can help our campaign the most. If you are a Seattle voter please go to our campaign website, www.teamdonaldson.org and donate just $10 to my campaign for Mayor. Our you can mail a check to 3213 W. Wheeler St. #162, Seattle, WA. 98199 (please make checks out to TeamDonaldson and include your name, home address (so we will know that you are a Seattle voter) and phone number.”
OK SENIORS, don't let your chance to offer financial support to your candidate go unused. Lets use our Seattle Democracy Vouchers. And remember, you read about it in the Facts Newspaper.
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