UKRAINE IS FIGHTING FOR ITS LIFE. This little country is a black eye for Putin. Ukraine has a thriving democracy. Putin wants the Ukraine land and he is willing to kill everyone who stands in his way to get it. He wants history to reflect his grandeur as the man who rebuilt Russia. He wants to make Russia great again. Ok, seniors lets get a handle on this.
THIS IS IMPORTANT TO ALL OF US Former President Obama issued a statement that, “People of conscience around the world need to loudly and clearly condemn Russia’s actions and offer support for the Ukrainian people. And every American, regardless of party, should support President Biden’s efforts, in coordination with our closest allies, to impose hard-hitting sanctions on Russia — sanctions that impose a real price on Russia’s autocratic elites…”
In our parent’s time when war broke out in Europe, we were in an isolationist bubble and didn’t see it as our problem. Older and wiser, we know that war in Europe can escalate rapidly and we will fight for democracy in whatever way we can.
STEP ONE, CONFLICT: In order to declare war Putin created a conflict. Putin actively supported a group of separatists controlling a small area of Ukraine by providing both financial and military support. Recently, Putin recognized the separatist as a legitimate government. He is using the separatists as his reason to overrun Ukraine.
STEP TWO, ISOLATE THE PEOPLE THROUGH MISINFORMATION: Putin took over all news outlets. Bob Schaffer is a former Republican member of the US House if Representatives from Colorado. His mother is Ukrainian. Regarding the war, Schaffer stated, “The recent history of Ukraine is replete with dead journalists, beaten journalists, news agencies being shut down, and politicians being injured or killed. Most are killed in mysterious auto accidents.”
INTERNATIONAL PUSHBACK: NATO and the USA have sent troops and ships to the area. Germany for the first time is sending arms and equipment to Ukraine. As reported on BuzzFeed, The Ukraine President, has put out the call, “join the defense of Ukraine, Europe, and the world,” and retired special forces members from the US, Germany and NATO have responded. NPR has reported that Ukrainians from around the word are returning to fight for democracy in Ukraine.
SATELLITE INTERNET COMBATING NEWS BLACKOUT: When Ukraine President asked Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX to help the country stay alive the response was immediate. Musk has made his Starlink satellite internet available in Ukraine and is sending the equipment required.
EVACUATED WOMEN AND CHILDREN NEED OUR HELP: The Ukraine government is evacuating the women and children by the thousands. UNICEF has ramped up efforts to deliver aid to thousands of Ukrainian children in need! Your support will help UNICEF save children and families whose lives and futures hang in the balance. Here is the link: