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Rev. Dr. Gail L. Rice, an anointed preacher, pastor, and psalmist, will deliver an inspiringmessage on March 23, 2025, for the Mount Zion Women’s Ministry 83rd Anniversary Celebration

Rev. Dr. Gail L. Rice, an anointed preacher, pastor, and psalmist, will deliver an inspiring

message on March 23, 2025, for the Mount Zion Women’s Ministry 83


 Anniversary Celebration

at the 10:00 AM Worship Service. Dr. Rice extensively preaches and teaches at workshops,

conferences, retreats, and worship services. She has often stood in pulpits as the first woman to

preach. Currently, she serves as Associate Pastor of Ministry Development at Freedom Baptist

Church, Hillside, IL, where Rev. Dr. Craig Melvin Smith is Senior Pastor.

Her calling is to see lives transformed through the power of God. Her passion is to help people

discover the joy, satisfaction, and delight of knowing and loving Jesus. She is passionate about

helping women rise above every obstacle to walk victoriously in their God-given purpose and

destiny, especially women seeking to overcome addictions. She is a survivor and an overcomer.

Her life is a testament to God’s power to redeem, renew, and restore!

She is President of Fresh Fire Ministries and Curator of The PreacHer Collective, a ministry

that gathers and equips preaching women to empower and strengthen their authentic preaching

voice. Dr. Rice has served as a mentor, chaplain, founding member of “Out from Under”

substance abuse ministry, and as a leader in the New Kind of Preacher Women in Ministry

cohort, Northern Seminary. She was a missionary in Ghana, West Africa, and preached at the

Garden of Gethsemane while on a pilgrimage to Israel. Dr. Rice has worked with the Cook

County Jail and Dwight Prison Ministry. She was the Director of the National Consortium of

Black Women in Ministry. She is on the boards of the Abigail Seven House, WomenPreach!,

Inc., and Northern Seminary.

Dr. Rice accepted God’s call to ministry at First Baptist Congregational Church and was licensed 

to preach by the late Rev. Dr. Arthur D. Griffin, Sr. She was ordained as a minister on November 

9, 2007. She holds a BA, in Organizational Management, Summa Cum Laude from Concordia

University River Forest and a Master of Divinity from Northern Theological Seminary. She was

conferred the Doctor of Ministry degree from Northern Theological Seminary on June 10, 2023,

her doctoral dissertation, God’s Voice Through Her Voice: Empowering Clergywomen’s

Preaching at Freedom Baptist Church,

She is married to Wendell C. Rice, Sr., the absolute love of her life. They have three children,

six grandchildren, and a Shiatzu named Lexi.

The public is invited to hear this inspiring Woman of God, Rev. Dr. Gail Rice. Rev. Dr. Julie

Vaughn is the Women’s Ministry President. Sisters Colleen Robinson Walls and Rhonda Staton

are the Celebration Co-Chairs; A reception will be held immediately following the worship

service. Sisters Emma Cotton and Bonnie Moton are the Reception Co-Chairs. Mount Zion is

located at 1634 Rev. Dr. S. McKinney Avenue (19th and E. Madison St.) Seattle, WA 98122.


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