April 23, 2021 – Andrew Lofton, Executive Director of the Seattle Housing Authority, is retiring on May 7 after 47 years of public service, 17 of them with SHA. He recently received two significant tributes recognizing him for his dedication and accomplishments. Andrew Lofton Day in the City of Seattle To honor Andrew’s long career of public service, the Mayor and Seattle City Council have declared May 7, 2021 to be Andrew Lofton Day. Read the full text of the proclamation. Housing Development Association Lifetime Achievement Award On April 21, 2021 Andrew was presented with the 2021 Carla Okigwe Lifetime Achievement Award from the Housing Development Consortium. The Carla Okigwe award is given to recipients for their exemplary contributions to development of affordable housing. Here are Andrew’s acceptance remarks: “Thank you to the Housing Development Consortium Board, Marty and everyone at HDC for this great honor. I am humbled to be receiving an award that honors your founding executive director, Carla Okigwe. It is particularly gratifying to receive this award, because early in our careers, Carla and I worked together, and I know the deep passion she has for affordable housing that led her to organize non-profit affordable housing providers into HDC—to be a voice for those dedicated to providing housing that is affordable for all. I am deeply moved that you have bestowed this honor on me, because I know you know how hard this work is. As evidenced by your 170-plus member organizations, you know this work cannot be done alone. Any achievements attributable to me are not, cannot be viewed as singular, but were only possible because of the great partnerships and support for which I was the beneficiary. This award would not be possible without a host of partners working together to create safe stable affordable housing---and in fact is a tribute to the hundreds of caring committed partners, the 600 remarkable staff members at SHA, a dedicated Board of Commissioners and our many supporters. At the Seattle Housing Authority, we know first-hand that housing is essential to helping people with low incomes improve their lives. The stability of a home they can afford is a critical starting point for people to pursue a better life and greater self-sufficiency. We work to provide housing, and we work to build communities where people don’t just live but grow. Where seniors feel safe, where youth can pursue dreams of a bright future, where families can thrive. It is on behalf of an entire community of tenants, partners, staff, board members and supporters that I accept this award with great appreciation. Thank you HDC and thanks to all of you who care about affordable housing, and dignity and opportunity for everyone.”