by SEAneighborhoods on August 11, 2021 Central Café and Juice Bar

“We opened January 18, 2020, right before the pandemic. When we first opened our big business was the high schools, Garfield and Nova. They have two lunches per day for each school and we were getting lots of kids in here, but then things shut down. The last year has been challenging, like for everybody, but we’ve been flexible, changing what’s going on and just learning so many things as we grow.”
-Bridgette Johnson, owner Central Café and Juice Bar, Central District
When Bridgette and Kevin Johnson opened Central Café and Juice Bar in a quaint 1920’s brick building on Cherry Street, they were excited to build a community hub. A place where people could gather to hang out, share a tasty treat, and meet their neighbors. When COVID-19 restrictions were implemented, Johnson quickly shifted, expanding the kitchen into the former indoor seating section to focus on their catering business and building a covered patio area. Learn more at
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