On October 13th, from 2-3:30pm, the Washington Health Benefit Exchange (Exchange) will hold a public webinar on the preliminary draft of the State Premium Assistance policy.
During the 2021 legislative session, the Washington State Legislature passed Senate Bill 5377 which directed the Exchange to establish a state premium assistance program for Washington residents. In the 2021 State Operating Budget, funding was provided to extend premium assistance to Washington residents earning up to 250% of the federal poverty level, beginning in 2023.
What is the purpose of this Q&A webinar?
This webinar will provide an opportunity to review a preliminary draft of the State Premium Assistance Policy, followed by a 30 day comment period. Exchange staff will walk stakeholders through the draft policy and provide time to answer questions. The Exchange looks forward to using this time to hear suggestions and concerns from interested stakeholders in advance of refining the policy in early 2022. Additional opportunities for stakeholder engagement will also be available prior to the Exchange finalizing the policy.
Who should attend the webinar?
We encourage anyone who is interested to attend. This webinar will be geared towards:
Health plan carriers
Consumers and Consumer Advocates
Cascade Care Partners, including the Washington Health Care Authority and the Office of the Insurance Commissioner
Anyone interested in the policy development process
If you are unable to attend, we’ll be posting a recording of the webinar on the Cascade Care Implementation webpage afterwards.