March 14 Public Hearing on Seattle Parks and Recreation’s Off-Leash Area Expansion Study
Seattle, WA - Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) has announced a public hearing on its recently released Off-Leash Study Expansion Study to be held on Thursday, March 14, 6:30 p.m. as part of the regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners. The meeting will be held at SPR headquarters, in the Kenneth R. Bounds Board Room, at 100 Dexter Ave. N in Seattle.
The current cycle of the Seattle Park District provides funding for the construction of two new dogs off-leash areas and the design of a third. The sites SPR identified as suitable for OLA development are: West Seattle Stadium, Othello Park (Southeast Seattle) and Ravenna Park (Northeast Seattle).
For more information on the study and its recommendations, please visit https://parkways.seattle.gov/2024/02/23/announcing-the-recommendations-from-the-off-leash-area-expansion-study/
To sign up to speak at the public hearing, please email Benjamin Burtzos, Seattle Parks and Recreation, at benjamin.burtzos@seattle.gov