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Property tax details available online now,statements in the mail soon

Property owners in King County can go online today to view their 2022 property tax details. When visiting, property owners can also pay their taxes, look up their property information, and sign up for email or text reminders.

Hard copies of property tax statements, which are typically mailed in mid-February, will be a little later than normal this year. A routine quality control check revealed a validation error before the statements were printed and mailed. While it was quickly corrected, the error delayed production of approximately 350,000 paper property tax statements.

State law requires tax statements to be sent to taxpayers no later than March 15 each year. King County expects to have all statements mailed out well before that deadline. Only those who pay their property taxes themselves, rather than through a mortgage lender, receive paper statements. A paper statement is not required to pay property taxes.

Because of the way the calendar falls this year, property taxpayers have a couple of extra days to pay the first half of their property taxes. The due date for the first half falls on a Saturday in 2022, so payments will not be due until Monday, May 2. Payments are accepted online, by mail, and by drop box. Visit for details on payment options.

Taxpayers can also visit to learn more about their property tax account, payment details, or to request a statement. Customer service representatives are also available to assist Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Contact King County Treasury Operations at 206-263-2890 or email

Information on tax exemption and deferral programs for seniors, people with disabilities, or other qualifying conditions can be obtained from the King County Assessor's Office at, by emailing, or calling 206-296-3920.


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