Please help us memorialize our friend and teammate, D’Vonne Pickett Jr ’14. We ask for your support as we fundraise $100,000 to establish a program or scholarship endowment at Seattle University in D’Vonne’s honor.
For many years the Seattle University Project Center has partnered students with local Black and minority-owned businesses, providing solutions for complex, real issues facing businesses today. Over the last several years, Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) students have been deeply engaged in project-based work with D’Vonne and KeAnna Pickett’s business, the Postman. Establishing this endowment will ensure that the Project Center can continue to offer annual STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics - projects to local Black and minority-owned businesses, supporting critical collaboration and learning between business and students. Please help us honor D’Vonne and KeAnna’s commitment to innovation and community through this endowment.
We are seeking seed gifts totaling $25,000 to anchor this fundraising effort. Seattle University accepts gifts of all kinds – stocks, gifts from donor advised funds, cash, other assets. We encourage corporate matching gifts when available. Many businesses will provide double-or triple-match periods for their employees during the year- this is an excellent way to provide the critical support needed to kickstart our efforts.
Once we reach our initial $25,000 goal, we will launch the public fundraising campaign to reach our final goal of raising $100,000 to establish the endowment. If you are interested in supporting, please contact Al Grigsby or Lindsey Scott-Anderson by phone or email below.
Thank you very much for helping us commemorate D’Vonne’s legacy in our community.
Al Grigsby Assistant Athletic Director for Development Agrigsby1@seattleu.edu (408) 332-8622
Lindsey Scott-Anderson Associate Athletic Director for Development Landerson2@seattleu.edu (253) 223-4795