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New Data shows that Nonprofit Jobs & Wages are still lagging

The Nonprofit Association of Washington (NAWA) has just released the 2022 Nonprofit Economic Impact Report. This annual report contains invaluable data on nonprofit jobs and wages in Washington State.

The charitable nonprofit sector contributes to the overall health and vitality of every community in Washington State, yet the economic impact of the sector is often underestimated. The statistics available in this report show the scope and importance of nonprofits as major employers. It also outlines how nonprofit employment has still not fully recovered from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Key findings include:

  • The nonprofit sector employed 7% of workers in our state and paid over $16 billion in wages in 2021, making it the state’s 5th largest industry.

  • Average wages for nonprofit workers are lower than for other sectors, and the gap is widening.

  • While overall jobs in Washington have recovered to pre-pandemic levels, the nonprofit sector is still short 10,000 jobs. This labor shortage comes at a time when nonprofits are being asked to do more than ever.

“Nonprofits are vital to our state’s pandemic recovery and ongoing success,” said Laura Pierce, Executive Director of the Nonprofit Association of Washington. “This report shows that we have more work to do to ensure that nonprofits are healthy and able to continue their work in the coming years. We can’t take them for granted.”


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