This poem is dedicated to the unbroken chain of black poets who have given us a legacy of poetic treasures to share.To the Legacy of Fitzgerald Beaver, the Founder of The Facts Weekly Newspaper in Seattle WA
A man went forth with gifts
He was a prose poem
He was a tragic grace
He was a warm music
He tried to heal the vivid volcanoes
His ashes are
reading the world
His Dream still wishes to anoint
the barricades of faith and of control
His words still burn the center of the sun,
above the thousands and the
hundred thousands.
The word was Justice.It was spoken.
So it shall be spoken.
So it shall be done.
The author of this poem is Gwendolyn Brooks.Her first publication of poems was in 1945,The book was titled "A Street in Brownsville". She later was the author of thirty books,the recipient of over seventy honorary degrees and awards, including her appointment as Poet Laureate of Illinois. She was another strong link in the Unbroken Chain of Black Poets.