Looking for committed
for Pilgrim Rest MBC in Renton. Limited as-sembly due to
COVID-19. Abbreviated ser-vices, Sunday mornings
11 AM-12:30 PM, downtown Renton. Rehearsal Saturdays for about an hour. Hiring ASAP to support Pastor when he's preaching and 1 or 2 choir members singing 1-2 songs per Sunday. Your talented the ser-vice are needed; knowing the nuances of the Black Baptist church are extremely helpful. COVID-19 precautions enforced. Sanitation, wearing masks and social distancing required. Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church, 400 So 3rd, Renton, Rev Ricardo Lockhart, Pastor. Compensation $40/hr.
Contact Lady Natalie Lockhart at
(425) 524-7878 or (425) 221-5909 for audition.