My name is John Boyd, and I’m running for Kent City council position 3. As a resident of Kent for the past 27 years, I’ve come to care about this city and the people that live here. As a recent retiree, I can now devote my full time to my community and its local politics. Kent does have issues with public safety, homelessness, and fiscal responsibility. As a concerned resident with a degree in Human Services, I have an intimate understanding of these issues and our problems. As a father and a husband, I want to ensure that my community is a safe place for men, women, and children. I will work with our police officers to protect our people and I’ll work with our health care specialists to get people off the street and get them the proper care they need. By tackling issues at the source, we can enact solutions that have permanent effects. For too long we’ve spent our time and money reacting when we need to be proactive. I love Kent and as your councilman, I’ll make it a better place.
I have the experience in dealing with crises like these, so Please, I’m ready, are you?
www.johnboyd4kentwa.com Paid for by the committee, Vote 4 Boyd
P.O. Box 3042 Kent, WA 98089