Seattle, WA - From neighborhood friends and classmates to community sons and daughters, community members of all ages and walks of life turned out on Sunday May 2nd to honor Baba Omari Tahir (born James Cordell Garrett) in celebration of his

75th birthday (May 4th).
From 50+ year old relationships to fresh college

grads that met him last year, to 5 year olds thanking him for the “6 P’s” (Person, Purpose, Preparation, Productivity, Prosperity, Protection, Peace) that he taught them recently, many shared stories of how Omari has has touched, inspired and tremendously impacted lives near and far.

In his own words to the gathering, Omari called on Black men to stand up, build and protect their community and stressed the importance of fulfilling the vision for a world class African American Heritage Museum & Cultural Center at Colman School that is equitable to other communities' cultural institutions in the city of Seattle.

Big thank you to all that were able to come out honor a living legend of our community and Black liberation struggle. If you weren't able to attend but want to honor Omari, you can go to www.africanamericanheritagemuseumandculturalcenter.org and make a contribution in honor of Baba Omari Tahir. You can also email him at omariafrinet@yahoo.com, call him at (206)717-1685, or stop by the African American Museum/Jimi Hendrix Park where he is every day to see him and make sure he is well.
