Sunrise: Jan. 18, 1969 - Sunset: August 12, 2023 Tamera Tinsley, better known as “Tammy T” was born in Seattle, WA to Jewell Russell and Edward Tinsley. Mom was homegrown and organic, with her roots reaching deep into the Central District. But her love branched out throughout the entire city. She’s best known for her sweeping sense of humor, her illuminating smile, and her infectious laughter. Tammy T modeled authenticity. She showed you can be, transparent, imperfect, and yet, still serve a perfect God. One thing for certain is our mama loved the Lord! She taught her children to love Christ. Tammy modeled being Christ-like by loving who you are, right where you are. That’s real. That’s agape love. Growing up our house was the Kool Aid house. Everybody and their mama was invited. Our snack drawer stayed full, the chicken stayed getting fried, and when you left you were filled with food and love. If you really knew our mom, you knew she liked to be treated to go out and eat too! (haha) You can hear her now saying her famous line, “Cut me in or cut it out!” as she would invite herself to a good time. We know you share our sentiments as a piece of our heart was cut out in her departure. We have to be resilient and confident that to be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord. While we mourn her loss, we find peace in knowing her spirit lives on through the countless lives she touched. If you know and love Ms. Tamera Tinsley please come celebrate her life with us on Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at 11:00AM @ Seattle Christian Church, 4402 S Graham St, Seattle, WA 98118.
Tammy was and is my first cousin. Even though we didn't know or grow up together it was like we'd known each other for year once we did meet. I will always cherish her realness and laugh at the first night we meet at Skeet's ( My Dad's) ThanksGiving Dinner! She showed so much Love I didn't quite know how to receive it; yet was unmistakably sure, that it was real. I will miss my cousin, the only regret is that I didn't make it up there to pay my respects. I'm sure she knows. I will see her again as I, like her, believe in the Lord Jesus who is faithful to forgive those who believe and Love t…
I can honestly say I knew Tammy and had a Lotta love for her. She was my sister and she always had my back.
For now our heavenly father’s Child Tamera Tinsley, is returning home in peace with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I love you cousin. Frm Divina Hall-Lawley
Tammy, Rest well Beautiful. You definitely ltaught us the true meaning of unconditional LOVE!
Morning Miracles
Rip from midnight Madness Buffalo New York 24/7