Sunrise September 4, 1927 to sunset January 17, 2021
Maries was the wife of Robert Walker, rip and the mother of Agnes Maultsby and Peter Guadalupe, rip. She leaves to Celebrate her life Agnes & Jerome Maultsby, her grand children, Angelia & Jesse Eaton, Carlos Guadalupe,9 great grands and 5 great great grands, Marie was born
in Sheveport, La with 2 sisters, Frances North, Carrie Strong, 2 brothers, Ross Burks, Alex Simpson and niece, Ruth Tiggs, RIP.
Marie worked as an engineer at Boeings where she retired.
Above all else she was committed to her loving family, Mt Zion Baptist church, Elizabeth circle and lifetime member of AARP.
The family wishes to acknowledge everyone who expressed their condolences, concerns encouragements, prayers and support.
Due to the pandemic a family memorial will be planned at a later date.