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Have a voice in the Regional Housing Strategy

SEATTLE – The Puget Sound Regional Council is seeking public comment on the draft Regional Housing Strategy. The public comment period will run from Monday, July 12 through Friday, August 13 at 5 p.m.

The public can review and comment on the draft Regional Housing Strategy through a website designed to get feedback on the strategies under consideration for each of the topic areas: supply, stability, and subsidy.

Many people in the region experience housing instability daily. The housing market has become increasingly unaffordable, creating unprecedented challenges for residents to find and keep a home they can afford. Meeting the housing needs of all households at a range of income levels is integral to the livability of the region.

The Regional Housing Strategy is intended to be a “playbook” of regional and local actions to preserve, improve, and expand housing stock in the region. The aim is to make a range of affordable, accessible, healthy, and safe housing choices available to every resident and to promote fair and equal access to housing for all people.

The development of a Regional Housing Strategy was called for by VISION 2050, the region’s growth strategy. It will help guide and support upcoming local comprehensive plan updates.

How to Comment:

  • Online:

  • Email:

  • U.S. mail: ATTN: Regional Housing Strategy, 1011 Western Ave., Ste, 500, Seattle, WA 98104

  • Fax: ATTN: Regional Housing Strategy, 206-587-4825

PSRC develops policies and coordinates decisions about regional growth, economic development and transportation planning for a growing region.

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