Could your child use a little extra help with math, science or writing this summer? Or perhaps they want to learn a new skill, or simply read as many graphic novels as possible?
The Seattle Public Library’s free educational resources are available all summer long to support kids and teens, whether they’re catching up after a year of remote learning or want to explore their interests. Here are some ways that families can use Library resources to engage their children in learning this summer.
· Connect with Library Link: No Library card? No problem. Seattle Public Schools students can access all digital Library resources, including thousands of free e-books, through the Library Link partnership. Just use your student ID and pin number to log in at www.spl.org/LibraryLink. (If you need help logging in, call 206-386-4636, or contact www.spl.org/Ask). You can also apply for a full-access Library card online at www.spl.org/Card.
· Get personal help with Tutor.com: Perhaps your child needs a little help with fractions, or a lot of help writing college essays. Find one-on-one support through the Library’s Tutor.com service, offered in three languages -- English, Spanish and Vietnamese. Using a Library card, or Library Link, Seattle students can connect at www.tutor.com/spl to get instant access to expert tutors in a safe and secure online classroom.
· Spark summer reading: The Library has dozens of resources to help kids discover and enjoy books. Download the Libby app for mobile access to e-books and e-audiobooks; find curated book recommendations for kids and teens; “Always Available” e-book titles through Libby; or get a personalized list of book recommendations through the Your Next Five service. And find a summer’s worth of graphic novels and comics at Hoopla.
· Page through Flipster: If magazines are your kid’s thing, they’ll love the digital magazine tool, Flipster. New youth magazines available on Flipster include Beanz, Black Girl's Magazine, High Five Bilingüe, National Geographic Kids, Sports Illustrated Kids, SAY Magazine and Teen Graffiti.
· Explore with Exploration Guides: Summer is a great time to learn informally by diving into specific interests. From the lore behind the Kraken to the history of dumplings to the stories of athlete-activists, Exploration Guides are topic-driven collections of digital media, designed to be engaging to kids. Each guide contains videos, podcasts, images, e-books and historical documents.
· Summer of Learning: The Library’s Summer of Learning program will launch in mid-June with all sorts of creative reading and learning opportunities for children. Check back at www.spl.org/SummerofLearning.
o A remote learning page that curates dozens of free virtual learning resources by grade level
o Language learning resources such as Mango Languages
o Educational videos through Access Video
o Animated stories and interactive games in BookFlix
o Your Next Skill’s personalized learning plans for a skill or topic that a child wants to tackle
Find help with any Library service – or anything else! – at spl.org/Ask. Our chat service is available, and you can also email us or call 206-386-4636.
Limited in-building services are available at the Beacon Hill, Broadview, Lake City, Southwest and Beacon Hill branches, with more branches opening for in-building services in June. Visit the Library's Road to Reopening page for more information.