Fitzgerald Beaver – Founder The Facts Newspaper was honored by Graffiti and Community Mural Artist Desmond Hansen. ( 2765 E. Cherry Seattle WA )
I shall not pass this way but once, there for any good that I can do or any kindness that I can show let me do it now, for I shall not pass this way again.
I’m extremely proud of my community for looking back and honoring those who STOOD UP for the community until they had No Legs To Even Stand On… AND Yet There Still Standing .
I’m proud of The Facts Newspaper and the ability to remain a vehicle to inform, educate and advocate as a voice for the African American Community.
I Shall Pass This Way But Once, was a life mission statement of Fitzgerald Redd Beaver and yet his spirit continues to past this way still today even more …
The good and kindness that you showed for the Seattle Central District Community and the people in it , continues to live , love and grows … and that’s just THE FACTS .
Congratulations Fitz, you have past this way more then once …
The Community Still Honors, Loves and Respects, Fitzgerald Beaver .