Washington is home to a diverse economy with a broad range of anchor industries. Increasingly, the jobs available in our state are being filled by workers with a post-high school credential—such as a degree, apprenticeship, or certificate. Do you know a student who needs money for college or career training on the path to a credential? Our state has affordable college and career training opportunities for everyone. The first, best step is to apply for financial aid. Many resources are available for students and families:
The 12th Year Campaign is hosting virtual financial aid info and filing events to help students and families learn more and apply for aid.
The Washington State Student Loan Education Site helps families better understand education costs and considerations.
Otterbot is a free texting service that sends financial aid info and reminders to high school seniors who have signed up for the College Bound Scholarship. Get started by texting "Hi Otter" to 360-928-7281.
Students and families can connect with the financial aid office at any colleges they’re considering. High school counselors can also answer questions and provide resources.
College Success Foundation has upcoming financial aid webinars about FAFSA/WASFA, scholarships, student loans, and award letters.