Closure is necessary for work crews to install new main security gate at station

Escalators from the ground level to the mezzanine at the Tukwila International Boulevard Link Station will be closed on Monday, April 10 and Tuesday, April 11 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The closure is necessary for crews to work on installation of a new main security gate. Workers will be operating a lift directly above the ground landing, and keeping the escalators open would present a safety risk to the public.
During this time, the stairs will remain open to the north side of the station entrance. In addition, passengers can also use the station elevator. Sound Transit personnel will be at the station to help passengers during the outage, and signage will be posted to help passengers find alternatives to the escalators.
Passengers are encouraged to sign up for accessibility alerts at the Service alerts web page to receive updates regarding elevator and escalator outages.