Equity in Education Coalition and The Racial Equity Team has organized monthly Lunch and Learns on topics that disproportionately impact children and families of color. This month we will be discussing Decolonizing Legislative Policy on Education.
This is an opportunity for community members from different fields and communities to come together to talk about topics that affect so many of us. We hope you can join us and input/grow your knowledge on this topic.
Sameth Mell,
Director of Partners in Change, Equity in Education Coalition
Rep. Mia Gregerson,
33rd Legislative District
Bernal Baca,
Exec. Director, Centro Latino
Misha Werschkul,
Exec. Director Washington State Budget and Policy
Sen. Rebecca Saldaña,
37th Legislative District
Invite a friend, coworker, family member, or even a stranger! This event is open to all, and we encourage you to attend!
Please sign-up here for zoom information: https://eec-wa.org/event/decolonizing-legislative-policy-on-education-lunch-and-learn/
Join us on Wednesday!