Dear Karen,
Most days, I feel “worthless”, so aside from BLACK LIVES MATTERS “or my
skin color”, WHO AM I…
Dear aside from black lives matters, “or my skin color”, who am I? I want you to
have a “clear perspective”, so that when the problems of life begins to weigh on
you, you can remind yourself of who you really are. I want you to know that you are “valued” and
valuable to God. He went to so much trouble to make you in His image. You are His image-bearer.
First of all, I need you to know that you are a SPIRIT, who has a soul and lives in a body. God is a
Spirit; John 4:24. And therefore, you are a spirit, because you take after your “daddy God or Heavenly
Father. And the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and “breathed into his nostrils
the breath of life, and man became a living being; Genesis 2:7. In other words, God “poured His
spirit into man or mankind. You also have a SOUL; my soul loathes life, you said; I will complain, I
will speak in the bitterness of my soul; Job 10:1. There are many other scripture verses that talks
about the soul. But first let’s describe the soul. What is a soul? Your soul is made up of your mind,
will, heart and emotions. And Jesus said to them, you shall love the Lord your God with all your
heart, with all your “soul” and with all your mind; Matthew 22: 37. Lastly and guess what! You “live”
in a BODY. Then God said, let us make “man” or man-kind…male and female “bodies” He created
them; Genesis 1:26-28. Plus, did you know that you are fearfully and wonderfully made; Psalms
139:14 !!!
If you have any questions, ASK ME, I CAN HELP @ Dear Karen Column. I care about you and I’m
praying for you and with you. You can “read” more of “my stories” on my Facebook Page/Karen
Hyles. northwestpca@hotmail.com