Zakierra competed in the 206Rising Youth Rising Stars Entrepreneurs Search hosted by Club Hoggy, LLC on May 12th 2021. She won the GRAND PRIZE of $500 towards their business launch.
Both founders, Zakierra and Trayon Danzy have worked very hard on getting their business off of the ground and are asking the community to help them make that possible by donating to their GoFundMe: https://gofund.me/ac29038d
#WatchMeWork is a Black school supply line that aims to empower Black & Brown youth by representation. #WatchMeWork has a goal to combat bullying and the youth suicide rate, as well as child hunger by making a safe place for every student by providing after-school peer groups and donating 15% of their gross sales to local food banks that serve predominantly communities of color.
All donations will assist with vendor and supply costs. IG: @hashtagwatchmework