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Community Invitation to Review Madrona Play Area Schematic Design

Seattle, WA - Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) invites the community to review the preferred schematic design of the Madrona Playground Play Area. Please join us on Saturday, January 6, from noon to 3 p.m. at the Madrona Playfield Shelter House, 3211 E. Spring St, light pastries and refreshments will be provided. The play area is located just south of the tennis courts and Shelter House at Madrona Playfield, 3211 E. Spring St.

At this meeting, the design team will share the preferred schematic design, with a formal presentation beginning at 1 p.m. Come and meet with the team to ask questions, learn how your input helped shape the design and provide your final design input!

This play area renovation includes upgrading the play equipment to meet current safety and accessibility standards. The existing sandbox will be removed to give more space for the adjacent cherry tree grove. This project also includes design support for a structure to provide cover for the adjacent stage, to be built by the community at a future date.

For more information or questions, please visit Madrona Playground Play Area Renovation – Parks | or contact Jordan Hoy at or 206-445-5156.


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