Outgoing Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best was the recipient of an official King County Council recognition (attached) on Tuesday afternoon. The recognition, which was introduced and sponsored by Councilmember Pete von Reichbauer and co-sponsored by Councilmember Jeanne Kohl-Welles, honored Chief Best’s 28 years of service to the Seattle Police Department and the city of Seattle.
“If we want to ensure that our law enforcement agencies reflect our communities, we need more people like Carmen Best involved in law enforcement, especially as leaders,” said von Reichbauer. “Chief Best got involved 28 years ago, worked her way up through the ranks, ascending to the highest level of achievement through her enduring commitment to service, equality and justice. Carmen was a trailblazer, and her leadership will be missed by many in our region.”
Chief Best worked her way up through the ranks of the Seattle Police Department to become the first Black woman to head the department. While there, she was tasked with helping to implement federally mandated reforms to address excessive force and biased policing, and she worked hard to cultivate relationships with communities of color. She submitted her resignation in August.