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Chardonnay Beaver~ Words of Wisdom

Passion ≠ Effective

Why Life Principles Make Our Passions Effective 

By Chardonnay Beaver

Principles, in this context, are moral parameters established to govern our lives. There are countless types of principles that we live by, consciously or subconsciously. 

For example, I believe in the principle of respecting elders. This principle was instilled in me at an early age, so much so that I can’t undo my moral programming to live outside of it. As an adult, I attribute value to this principle and align myself with individuals who also respect their elders. 

Again, principles are parameters. They protect us from consequences, preserve us, and benefit us greatly. Even though some principles don’t feel good, they’re necessary. Though principles and values differ, our values inform which principles we accept. 

Here’s an unfortunate truth: not everybody lives according to their principles or convictions. This reality aligns with the impulsive nature of this generation. If you compromise your principles, you’re likely living according to your passions. 

This generation—my generation—has many incredibly passionate individuals. They’re inspirational and compelling, but often ineffective. They have the potential to impact lives, but they lack discipline and structure. In other words, being passionate doesn’t necessarily make you effective. 

For this reason, our world needs more individuals who live with integrity. Principles serve as guardrails in our lives, protecting us from avoidable dangers. When you establish principles (i.e., the “I will” and “I won’t”) from a morally sound foundation, others are not only inspired by your creativity but also by your character. This—the ability to impact people’s character—is what makes leaders truly effective.

Words of Wisdom by Char of The Week: (A message for creative individuals) Consider the ways you pattern your life after principles. Our passions can only take us so far; it’s our principles that preserve us. Your character will always inform the work you produce and how you collaborate. Proverbs 21:5


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