Sunrise: Dec. 16, 1939 ~
Sunset: Oct. 11, 2020
Earl (Earl the Pearl) was born to Wihelmina and Whitney Gross in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. A few years later, his family moved to Casper Wyoming where he loved the snow, horses, fancy belt buckles, and cowboy boots. He attended Natrona County High School and joined the United States Army in 1957. In 1960, he moved to Seattle, WA where he met the love of his life Linda L. Chapman who he married in 1979. He was best known for his amazing singing, untouchable dance moves, and always driving the prettiest Cadillacs in the city.
Earl retired from Boeing where he worked as a painter and a CSHA monitor. After retirement he spent the rest of his life surrounded by his loved ones and dearest friends. Preceded in death by his wife and soulmate Linda L. Chapman, parents Wihelmina and Whitney Gross, son Darnell, daughter Renelda, sisters Betty, Florence, and Dorothy, brothers Norman, Walter, Arthur, and Gerald.
Special thanks to our family and friends for your condolences, prayers, support, and comfort.
For online memorial go to: MB Daniel Mortuary Services, LLC https://www.mbdaniel.com/
Condolences to the family, prayers!!