Block parties and Play Streets are a fun and easy way to build community and get to know your neighbors. Gather your neighbors to hold a block party in your street or turn the street over to the kids for play! These simple, neighborhood-scale street closure permits allow closure of a neighborhood street to thru traffic. Best of all, the permit is free.
Some closures exceed the thresholds we have established for block parties and play streets and are not allowed under this permit. The block party/play street program is intended for neighborhood- scale gatherings. If your street closure event exceeds the following thresholds, it cannot be permitted as a block party/play street. Check out the Street & Sidewalk Activities page to see permitting options for larger street closure events:
Attendance is expected to exceed 100 people at any point in time
Vendors (other than a permitted food vendor) are a part of the event
Event includes alcohol sales
Closure exceeds one block
Closure request is on an arterial street
For more info visit tinyurL com/dot play Street