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Bible Prophecy Now By: Evangelist Clara Ann

Revelation 13:9 He that have ears should listen.

The Go- spel word from the Holy Bible is “New Name”.Revelation 2:17. He who has anear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give some of

the hidden manna to eat And I will give him a white stone and on the stone a new name written which no one knows except him who receives it. Jesus said He would be with us, the church, the born again believers, followers of Jesus from earth to glory. We would get a new name in heaven because we have been washed in the blood of the Lamb and our names have been written in the Lambs book of life.

Jesus gave the church a purpose and mission to what the world needed, to be taught in

Matthew 28:18-20 please read.

On earth God engraved the names of the twelve tribes of Israel on precious stones in Exodus 28:11-21 they are sardius, topaz. agate, emerald, pearl, diamond, jasper, onyx, jacinth, beryl, ruby, amethyst and sapphire. There are 12 months in a year and in heaven we get a new name. Revelation 21:11-21. Please read.

I celebrated a birthday in April a cousin that was 105 years old on April 13th gave me an onyx ring.One sister baked me a cake, a friend gave me a Tree of Life Bible, friends and relatives gave me gifts of money, flowers, clothes, took me on trips, out to dinner, and I receive many cars and phone calls, but the most rewarding gift is when my 3 year old great granddaughter Londyn Love Marie Lott prayed,the blessing In tongues before we ate the cake and ice cream.She comes to me every morning and says granny, I want to weed, so I read her books about Jesus and the rainbow.

Have you asked Jesus into your heart? Jesus desires to establish a personal relationship with you.Give the preacher your hand and God your heart.

I am a messenger sent by Jesus Christ to write to all nations. Since God brought the

children of Israel out of bondage, set them free and sent them Jesus in the books of Exodus to

Revelation. The Lord is with us from birth to lead us to the New Beautiful Holy City with streets

of gold. Please read Isaiah chapters 61 and 62


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