. Walk-ups are no longer accepted and, unfortunately, we’ve had to turn people without appointments away. Here are the steps you must follow in order to get a vaccine:
Confirm you’re eligible using Phase Finder. If you need help with Phase Finder, dial 1-800-525-0127, then press #. Language assistance is available.
IMPORTANT: Phase Finder does not make you a vaccination appointment.
Currently in Washington state, there are Mass Vaccination Sites in four areas and there will continue to be additional sites added across the state. To make an appointment at one of these sites, visit the DOH Mass Vaccination Site page. If you need help or don’t have internet access, call 1-800-525-0127, then press #. Language assistance is available.
You will receive an appointment confirmation with a date and time. Please stick to the timeslot you were given.
Finally, if you live in an area that does not currently have a mass vaccination site, please visit DOH's Vaccine Locations page to make an appointment with a local provider.
We realize appointments are limited and fill up quickly. We understand your frustration, but please do not get discouraged! As more vaccine becomes available, more appointment times will open up every week and you will be able to get your vaccine. Until then, please check back frequently. We know you’re waiting anxiously, and we appreciate your patience. It’s important we continue doing the things that protect us all: wear your mask, wash your hands, keep your distance, and get tested if you think you have been exposed or have symptoms of COVID-19. You can also help by sharing this information with family, friends, and community groups. We know these are trying times, but, with vaccination, hope is on the horizon. We will continue working as hard as we can to get you your vaccine as soon as possible. You can learn about the mass vaccination sites on our English and Spanish blog sites.
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