The Seattle – King County African American Reparations Committee seeks a Project Director to lead staff and volunteers in building a coordinated, multi-racial movement for reparations for African Americans in Seattle and King County, Washington. Through research, education visibility campaigns and base-building, SAARC will develop data-driven proposals for reparations that are expected to culminate in legislation and local projects that benefit African Americans. The Project Director will be a highly organized, strategic, experienced and articulate representative of SAARC’s mission, vision and goals.
The Project Director will lead the start-up phase of a project expected to last 2-3 years.
Responsibilities include:
● Develop a strategically executed campaign that results in reparations being
made by local government institutions who are held accountable for their past
racist harms, in a manner that is broadly supported by the African American
community in Seattle and King County.
● Identify strategic opportunities to build alliances and grow community support;
work with board and staff to seize those moments while staying on track,
● Ensure that SAARC has a visible and consistent media presence and a clear
public profile.
● 2Represent SAARC publicly; identify visibility opportunities, articulate SAARC’s
mission and describe its work, speak articulately about reparations.
● Maintain effective communications with allies and important stakeholders.
● Coordinate committees so they can plan and deploy their strategies.
● Supervise a staff, expected to grow to four organizers.
● Coordinate six task forces comprised of subject matter experts to research harms
to African Americans in Seattle and King County, andy to calculate the value of
those harms; work with stakeholders to identify remedies.
● Implement fundraising strategies.
● Coordinate the work of several contractors with diverse responsibilities; ensure
timeliness, responsiveness and work product quality.
● Ensure that budget and financial reports are timely, accurate and meaningful,
and that expenditure requests are documented and consistent with the budget.
Preferred Qualifications
● Knowledge of the key concepts of reparations and related political and strategic
● Experience working in both BIPOC and multiracial contexts
● Experience developing strategic community campaigns
● Ability to use online advocacy, volunteer management and CRM platforms
● Proven ability to generate funds to grow a 2 - 3 year campaign.
● Experience managing staff and contractors
● Excellent communicator with diverse audiences
● Budgeting and financial management experience
Working Conditions
● At present, SAARC employees will be working from home, except when
managing community meetings, presentations and other related activities.
● Because so many of its activities are volunteer-driven, SAARC employees should
expect to work evening and weekend hours as required to advance the mission
● Employees should expect to lift boxes, weighing up to 20 pounds, containing
information packets, clipboards and other supplies to support events.
● Employees will utilize their own phones and computers, but all on-line platforms
and accounts will be provided by SAARC. Applicants for whom this poses an
obstacle should notify SAARC so that alternate arrangements can be made.
Salary and Benefits
● Salary $100,000 - $110,000, DOQ, plus healthcare (dental, medical, vision),SIMPLE IRA retirement, life insurance; To Apply for This Position
● Please submit resume and cover letter to SAARC at
● Preference will be given to applications received by September 29, 2023.
● Please submit any questions to